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My greatest achievements are being the very first founder of Myanmar Coffee Association, and promoting Myanmar coffee from zero to hero with the help of USAID training.


Nowadays, Myanmar coffee can be exported to the world market as specialty coffee with a high price. Shwe Yi Mon is proud to have helped support that achievement.


We follow Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)  identified by the Myanmar Agriculture Department, and we are now a certified GAP coffee grower.


In 2018, we developed two projects: water use efficiency project and food safety project, thanks to Responsible Business Fund (RBF), Denmark. Both projects were implemented successfully in 2019.


RBF covered 80% of the cost. Both are at Shwe Yi Mon Farm, Say Ta Lone village, Pyin Oo Lwin Township, Mandalay.


There are three key beneficiaries for these projects:

  1. Shwe Yi Mon Coffee Farm

  2. Employees of Shwe Yi Mon Coffee Farm

  3. Environment and community

Water Use Efficiency Project

60 acres of drip irrigation system including balance in fertilizer consumption pipe systems.

Natural pond inside my farm 1_edited.png
Water efficiency project outcomes
  • Optimum water use/reduction of natural water usage

  • Reduce uncertainty from unstable weather condition

  • Saving in water and fertilizers usage

  • Increased coffee yield, better quality of product and uniform crops

  • Accurate control over improvements in crops growth and production

  • Less weed growth

  • Reduction of heavy labour duties 

  • Protect soil from erosion, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry seasons

  • Saving costs in water, energy, labour, fertilizer, and agro-chemicals

Food Safety Project

We established 3 units of Solar Dry Parabolic Domes including 42 units of two level, steel raised beds to process energy efficient, sun dried, natural coffee beans. Each dome area is 29 m² and each raised bed covers 2.4 x 1.2 m.


Food Safety Project Outcomes

  • Significant reduction in coffee processing time, high stabilised quality, better colour, less waste, and fewer impurities

  • No risk of fungus and damage of coffee bean by adverse climatic conditions

  • Reduced operational costs, mainly labour

  • Reduced burden on employees: Traditional sun drying requires taking the coffee on and off daily and stirring to balance the quality for a whole day in the sun, which is really exhausting for employees

  • Reduced defect rate: Formerly 5% using traditional methods due to different reasons: such as sudden rain, animal waste, dust/trash from surrounding areas. Those sorts of defects can impact price up by up to half

  • Improvement in business model: upgraded bean quality due to reduction of defect rate and consistency of quality increases our competitiveness

  • Enhances company image: We are seen as a trustful long term partner with premium, consistent products

  • Identification of pride of high quality Myanmar product for the whole country

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